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Get Started

As the access to Allianz Partners APIs is secured in line with the OAuth 2.0 industry standard, please make sure you follow these simple steps to get access and test the APIs:

Step 1. Create a developer account

If you do not have an account yet, please create one by clicking the “Login” button in the top right corner, or clicking here. Submit your developer account details.

Make sure you are logged in before proceeding to the following steps.

Login button

Step 2. Request access to the API of your interest

The API access is granted to the apps you register on this developer portal. You may register an unlimited number of apps, edit and remove them to manage your API access.

To register another app, please go to the Apps page, and click “Add app”.

When submitting the app details, please make sure you check the API you need on the list to request access to it.

The Digital Gateway team will process your request, and inform you by email. Please check your inbox regularly as additional inquiries may be needed.

Add app button

API checkbox

Step 3. Save your client credentials securely

Once your request has been approved, you will see your client credentials on the App Details page, and the app status will change to “Approved”.

The client credentials consist of a consumer key and a consumer secret.

Please remember your client credentials are confidential. Do not disclose them to any third party.

Show client credentials link button

Step 4. Generate your access token with the Authorization API

Please use you client credentials to generate your OAuth access token in line with the Authorization API.

As the access token has a short validity period (defined in the API reference), please set up your app to renew the token automatically whenever it expires.

POST /oauth/client_credential/accesstoken HTTP/1.1

Host: uat-allianz-partners.apis.allianz

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Authorization: Basic MnZ2dGRVam5hRVdKbTZzM2ZLaHRHbGh4dW52bXlVT3A6eUxXcTNkREMxRWZZZHlFYw==

Content-Length: 106



Step 5. Apply the access token every time when calling the APIs

Provide the generated access token as a bearer token in the "Authorization" header when sending the API requests. Pleasee see an example below:

POST /RSA/Casehandling/1.0/assistancecases HTTP/1.1

Host: pro-allianz-partners.apis.allianz

Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: Bearer LGVxJnLdpwZiNeWsxrwEUTyoaOt4B7As

Content-Length: 2773

About us

We build custom-fit developer portals in Drupal, a proven enterprise-ready technology with a large consultant and developer community.



Getting started


Rerefence documentation

API catalog

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category for hover


We are here to make insurance simple for you.